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News Archive July, 2012
seasons by valentin loellmann
by: Designboom - Weblog, 2012-07-02 10:59:00 UTC

the project presents two interconnected collections that reflect a search for a system that depends on organic dynamism, rather than geometric dictation, aiming to open up a space where design might not only mold nature, but also be molded by it.
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GE Ecomagination Program Reports $21bn 2011 Revenues
by: Environmental Leader, 2012-07-02 06:41:09 UTC

GE’s Ecomagination line of products and services generated $21 billion in revenues and invested more than $2 billion in research and development last year, according to the program’s 2011 progress report. This means that the initiative, which operates as both an internal corporate sustainability drive and a development program for products and services that can [...]
Tsuchinoco Corrugated Cardboard Playground Toys by Masahiro Minami
by: mocoloco, 2012-07-02 07:07:29 UTC

Lund University's School of Industrial Design contemplates "Yesterday Today Tomorrow"
by: Core77, 2012-07-02 08:00:00 UTC

Beautiful work by the handful of students in Lund University's School of Industrial Design made the design festival rounds this year with "Yesterday Today Tomorrow," a series of future-thinking products that employ traditional craftsmanship, natural materials and the hand-driven mechanics of the days of yore.
Jiang Qian's Lo-Fi Washer, a human-powered washing machine, is a refreshing throwback to the days before electricity. With this project,Qian wanted to "see if low-technology appliances have any potential in modern society." One great aspect of the design is the ability to wash a small amount of clothing at a time, which may not seem like an advantage at first, but how often do you end up doing a big load of wash in order to justify cleaning that one shirt you want to wear tomorrow? Though I doubt the Lo-Fi Washer will catch on in a major way, it's still a great solution for delicate items that require hand laundering.

Gabriella Rubin and Kornelia Knutson reconsider the kitchen with Root, a food storage system that bucks conventional refrigeration with a compartmentalized cabinet. Each section has a different temperature and humidity specially calibrated for different kinds of food. This method not only saves energy, it helps your groceries last longer. The set-up can easily be customized to fit whatever space you have available in your kitchen, whether you only have enough room for a mini-fridge (or, in this case, a mini-Root) or you want the full-sized model. From an aesthetic point of view I love the idea of storing my produce in a wooden unit, and Rubin and Knutson have tricked out the cabinets with extra features like a magnetized wooden strip to hold cans, helping you get the most out of the space.


The Utility Collective Gives Us Wood
by: Core77, 2012-07-02 15:00:00 UTC

In an earlier post on wood sourcing for furniture, we mentioned the 19th Century discovery that you could peel logs into veneers. Here's some wicked video of how it's done these days:

Material Paper as a textile published.
by: Design 4 Sustainability, 2012-07-31 13:15:56 UTC
Paper is a cellulose non-woven and has therefor similar characteristics as cotton and viscose. Textiles made form paper can be crisp, translucent, ...
Product Staple-less stapler published.
by: Design 4 Sustainability, 2012-07-28 17:36:18 UTC
The EcoStapler is great example of sustainability and functionality. The pocket-size object is light weighted and can staple 3 sheets at a time without ...
Material Re-use used products, parts and rejects published.
by: Design 4 Sustainability, 2012-07-27 15:48:44 UTC
Reestore tries to avoid traditional eco materials in favour of contemporary finishes, fabrics and above all style. Managing Director Max McMurdo is ...
Product The drinking fountain published.
by: Design 4 Sustainability, 2012-07-27 15:48:19 UTC
The drinking fountain is a ceramic water cooler that is connected to the existing water supply. it can be placed in a public environment, in- or outdoor. ...
Product Eau Good uses acient methods to filter water published.
by: Design 4 Sustainability, 2012-07-25 11:41:20 UTC
I love the fact that Black + Blum use an old japanese technique, to filter water from all stuff the Britta does as well only for 6 months in stead ...
Material Bamboo's versatility published.
by: Design 4 Sustainability, 2012-07-23 13:44:56 UTC
Bamboo is a wonder plant by all accounts. Its many uses include erosion control, watershed protection, soil remediation, and environmental greening. ...
Material Dye without water published.
by: Design 4 Sustainability, 2012-07-23 13:39:47 UTC
Airdye is a water-less dye process for synthetic fabrics and materials. AirDye technology eliminates hazardous wastewater as a byproduct of dyeing ...
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