Lightweight foamed concrete

by: Mirjam Visser, 2011-10-29 15:09:08 UTC
Sustainability Aspects: Foamed Concrete emits 50% less CO2 and can be fully recycles

Foamed concrete

Development in the production of integral foamed concrete

A core of foamed concrete with a solid outer layer. The kernel and cladding are both made from sand, cement and water and are fully recyclable.
The worldwide production of concrete continues to rise, but innovation is lagging behind. Foamed concrete is lighter and more durable than ordinary concrete but is also more vulnerable and water-absorbent. These disadvantages can be eliminated by covering the core with a solid outer shell.
Integral foamed concrete reduces CO2 emissions by half when compared to standard concrete. In addition, it can be recycled and offers a wider range of applications because, for instance, it can also be pre-cast to produce rounded forms.

Jacob Alkema was nominated for the dutch Doen|Materiaalprijs

Designer: Jacob Alkema
Manufacturer: not known
Category: concrete


Foamed concrete
Foamed concrete
by Jacob Alkema

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